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Miranda Chase





PLACE OF ORIGIN: Brisbane, Australia


EDUCATION: Auckland University of Technology

CLUB: Waitakere





How do you manage to juggle work, study, training, social life etc./any wise words for aspiring water polo players?

Time management and prioritising. You can't do it alone, so talk to your parents, school, club, or work and come up with a plan.


When did you start playing water polo?

My sisters started playing for school and I remember going and watching their games. This is really where I fell in love with the game. I started playing when I was eleven for Waitakere Under 12s.


What is your favourite water polo memory at home?

Coming third at Under 16 Nationals was pretty awesome for my Waitakere team. Our previous best was 5th and we beat Marist in our final game.


What has been your international water polo highlight?

Coming 6th at the FINA World Youth Championships in Perth, 2012. This was a much better result than what we expected so I was extremely proud of the team in this achievement.


When your alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning, what gets you out of bed?

The thing that gets me up and going is the fact that a team is relying on me to get into shape. It's a team effort - so despite how I feel, I just get over it and get on with training as it's what we all expect from each other.


What's on your iPhone music-wise? Tell us your favourite go-to pre-match pump up jam.

Anything Kanye West or Eminem.


What are you looking to accomplish in water polo? Why do you play?

My main goal is the Olympics. To me, this is the highlight of any athletic career.


What is the biggest barrier for you playing water polo?

I guess there is a lot of sacrifice like constantly missing out on social occasions with friends. But when you finally achieve that goal - such as going to the Olympics - I think I'll definitely look back and say it was all worth it.


What has New Zealand Water Polo given you personally?

For me it has given me a bit of fun with mates at training. The friendships made are priceless. After a game I always feel really up and positive so I think the exercise keeps me really positive and happy.


Favourite quotes?

"Anyone who ever gave 100% never regretted it."

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