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Danielle Lewis










EDUCATION: University of Hawaii at Manoa


CLUB: Marist


POSITION: Centre back


How do you manage to juggle work, study, training, social life etc./any wise words for aspiring water polo players?

It was definitely a challenge balancing study and training as a student, so having good time management is so important. Having my supportive friends and family are amazing. And leave time for naps!


When did you start playing water polo?

About 10 years old.


What is your favourite water polo memory at home?

 Winning schoolgirls nationals in 2008, and World League in Christchurch 2010.


What has been your international water polo highlight?

Playing in Barcelona for World Champs in 2013.


What time does your alarm go off in the morning and what gets you out of bed?

5.17am, if ya snooze, ya lose.


Tell us your favourite go-to pre-match pump up jam.

Anything that is upbeat and pump uppy. I listen to anything! Except country.


What are you looking to accomplish in water polo? Why do you play?

To train and play the hardest I can for my team and to make top 8 at World Champs is the current goal! 


What is the biggest barrier for you playing water polo?

Having the financial funding for NZ polo.


What has New Zealand Water Polo given you personally?

I'm a competitive person by nature and it has given me the opportunity to compete at a high level against the top teams in the World. It has made me a more disciplined and determined person, with wee bit of aggression. It has given me the opportunity to travel around play the sport I love and have made friends for life through NZ polo.


Favourite quotes?

"Train like an animal, PLAY LIKE A BEAST.”

“There will be obstacles, there will be doubters, there will be mistakes. But with hard work there are no limits."

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